CVV Ministries


I Feel Unappreciated — How Should I Respond? // Ask Pastor John


Wed Sep 2 05:45:01 2020 - 17

ShareIngratitude can make us feel unwanted and unnoticed. But our Father in heaven sees in secret, and he will more than make up for every thankless deed. How should we respond when we are unappreciated? It’s a question we all face. We want to excel. We want to be noticed. We want to be thanked. We want our efforts to be valued. It’s only natural. And instead of telling us to get used to being unappreciated, God actually gives us some incredible promises that we are being appreciated in ways we may have never expected. Here’s Pastor John, preaching back in 1991, to explain. Read or listen to this interview at our website: feel unappreciated how should i respond Find other recent and popular Ask Pastor John episodes: pastor john

Fonte: Desiring God

Desiring God

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