CVV Ministries


The Art of End Time Preaching Seminar Coming Soon | Taj Pacleb


Tue Oct 2 18:17:35 2018 - 5

ShareThe Art of End Time Preaching is a powerful, Christ centered course, calculated to equip a new generation of proficient preachers to captivate, convince, and convict the minds of a desensitized, media saturated, and post modern world. Created for the inexperienced introvert, the lay preacher, and the seasoned speaker alike, this course will take all to the next level in their witness for Christ. Prophetic and practical, Biblical and beautiful, sound and profound, instructive and inspiring! Evangelist Taj Pacleb covers the essentials necessary to become competent and creative communicators for Christ in the context of the last days! Register for a course near you at:

Fonte: Revelation of Hope Ministries

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