CVV Ministries


Reflections of Hope Episode 42: Lands of the Midnight Sun | Taj Pacleb


Wed Dec 22 19:09:29 2021 - 20

ShareEver since I can remember, I’ve been taking pictures. My love for photography began at a very young age. I feel far more comfortable behind the camera rather than in front of it. There’s something special about being able to freeze a moment in time forever. Every true photographer knows, that there is a prime time to capture the best pictures. A time when the light creates the perfect setting for stunning photo compositions. This time is known as "the golden hour". This NEW Reflections of Hope episode takes us up north, to the lands of the midnight sun, where we learn a powerful life lesson through the beauty of the golden hour light. Please watch, share, and be blessed!

Fonte: Revelation of Hope Ministries

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