CVV Ministries


Am I Wasting My Life?


Thu Oct 28 08:58:01 2021 - 55

ShareThe only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. Helen Keller Without a clear vision, people live for nothing and accomplish nothing. Without a vision, the people perish. But the verse continues… If you keep the law, meaning biblical principles, you will be happy. Most of our unhappiness comes when we undermine our own beliefs and guiding principles. When we follow feeling instead of reason and conscious. The “vision” referred to in this verse is Gods vision for your life. Without the law of God or God’s vision, you and I perish. Maybe not physically but we waste our lives slowly and surely. Join me this Wednesday at 8pm as we unravel God’s vision for Solomon and how we can guarantee we don’t waste our lives but follow principles that will help us live more abundantly.

Fonte: Amanda Leonardi

Amanda Leonardi

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