CVV Ministries


Bitterness — It's Gotta Go!


Sat Jan 29 19:13:41 2022 - 27

ShareMy posts on bitterness: My posts on addressing sin in your husband's life Verses about bitterness Verses about forgiveness The ABC's Of Salvation to have a relationship with christ/ THE ABC'S OF SALVATION A = Admit you are a sinner and you can’t be perfect and holy enough in God’s eyes to be right with Him on your own. Turn away from your sin. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23 B = Believe that Jesus (God in the flesh) died on your behalf to pay the price for your sin and to give you a way to be right with God to be forgiven. He lived the perfect life you couldn’t live. He died the death you deserve and rose from the dead in victory over sin, death, and the grave on your behalf! “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus, our Lord.” Rom. 6:23 C = Confess that Jesus is your Lord this means, Jesus is now your Master and you live your life for Him and His glory rather than for yourself. You say it out loud to others and you live it from now on. You lay down your will and your desires and follow Him, inviting Him to direct and use your life for His will. “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.” Rom. 10:9 10 QUESTIONS ABOUT SALVATION WHAT IS LORDSHIP SALVATION? salvation.html MY SITES THE PEACEFUL WIFE BOOK Wife Living Submission Christ/dp/0825443946 THE PEACEFUL MOM BOOK Mom Building Healthy Foundation/dp/0825444632/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=peaceful+mom&qid=1598646067&s=books&sr=1 1 Bitterness is a socially acceptable thing in our society. It's even seen today as a virtue, in many cases. But the truth is — it is extremely toxic. You may think you are punishing someone else by holding a grudge against them. But you are actually poisoning yourself spiritually and poisoning all of your relationships. In time, if you cherish bitterness in your heart, it can become your entire identity and purpose in life. It turns your heart to stone. It saps blessings and the power of the Holy Spirit from your life. It is a spiritual prison. Have you ever been around someone who held onto bitterness for decades? What does the atmosphere feel like as soon as they come in the room? How enjoyable is it to be around them? Resentment left unchecked lead to the death of relationships and families. It can also lead to many chronic health problems. And it separates you from Christ and close fellowship with Him because it grieves the Holy Spirit. It can feel scary to get rid of bitterness, at first. The enemy of your soul would love for you to think you are giving up your "rights" and "power" if you forsake your resentment and decide to forgive and do things God's way. God's way doesn't mean you say nothing and do nothing about other people's sins. You do. But without sinning in your own heart. Giving up bitterness is really about giving up the enemy's authority and control over your life. It is about getting rid of spiritual toxins. Satan knows you will experience freedom, peace, and joy in Christ when you give it up as you yield to the Lordship of Christ. That's why he doesn't want you to repent from it. Jesus knows it is life giving to forgive and to invite God to work in our pain and in other people's lives for His glory. Forgiveness doesn't mean we trust others if they haven't repented and rebuilt trust. But it means we are set free from the enemy's snare. And we are open to the provision, love, healing, and miracles of God. My posts on bitterness: My posts on addressing sin in your husband's life Verses about bitterness Verses about forgiveness The ABC's Of Salvation to have a relationship with christ/

Fonte: April Cassidy

April Cassidy

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