CVV Ministries


Reflections of Hope Episode 49: The Perfection Pyramid | Taj Pacleb


Wed Mar 29 06:00:46 2023 - 14

ShareEGYPT Episode done! Have you ever made a mistake so bad you thought there's no way it can be fixed? An error so egregious that you were overwhelmed with shame, frustration, and regret? This NEW Reflections of Hope episode takes us to the land of civilizations where we penetrate the Pyramids of Egypt! These engineering marvels are by far the oldest standing structures on earth! 4,500 years after their completion, they still stand and have endured the test of time! But did you know that this monumental building project almost ended in complete disaster and failure? The history of these ancient structures provides a powerful parable on perseverance. A life lesson that shows us how we can make the most out of the many mistakes of life! And how mistakes can actually raise us to the next level of growth, success, and impact! Mahalo for watching and sharing!

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